Software: Python Turtle
Personal coding project, responsible for all.
Purpose of Project: produce a quilt in turtle graphics and python, ask users to customize the size, rows, and columns of the quilt. The quilt will consist of five blocks, each with its own theme. (figure 0.0)

Figure 0.0 Full pattern of quilt
Theme of Patterns
Five patterns designed for the quilt are based on my personality, all of these five patterns are symbols of my life. So I name the work 'Quilting of Life'. Click pictures below to see their full definitions.
STEP1: Starting with Position
Now, I got five patterns. The next step is to let each quilt patterns appear in a cyclic movement. The basic idea is:
Get a starting position (xstart, ystart)
Using nest looping, draw squares of five pattern background (this is also a test to see whether the cyclic works in a proper way)
Put patterns above corresponding squares.
The cyclic movement is a table of 5 *7 (rows = 5, columns = 7) as the figure.1.0 shows below, the starting position is calculated as:
xstart = - width / 2 + boarder / 2 - blocksize ( turtle drawing start at the left lower corner of a square)
ystart = - width / 2 + boarder / 2

Figure 1.0 Cyclic quilt
Figure 2.0 Nest loop
STEP 2: Nest Loop
Define a drawSquare function
Define a drawQuilt function
Use nest loop
Set a variable num = i + j (sum total loop as the figure 2.0 shows above)
Use if statement and “remainder operator" % to get the cyclic result
ypos = ystart + i * blockszie
xpos = xstart + i *blocksize
STEP 3: Import Patterns
Use import filename from * to import five patterns functions and drawSquare function as modules
Import drawSquare function before other patterns ( Figure 3.0)
call each of the functions below if statement under drawQuilt function ( Figure 4.0)
Figure 3.0 Import pattern files as modules
Figure 4.0 Call pattern functions
STEP 4: Customize
Let the user type in a series of numbers, then the program will decide how to arrange these patterns and draw them in an appropriate position. ( Figure 5.0)
Size of Quilt
Number of rows
Number of columns

Figure 5.0 Let users to input size, rows and columns
Code of Quilt
Drawing Process
Breakdown PDF
Author: Yachan Yuan
Date: 08/4/2022