This week, we heard a lot from our Power House Mentors Monica, Robert, and Ed. They gave us kind suggestions on 3D Look Dev and Compositing which are extremely useful, especially compositing demo reel suggestions from Robert.
Also, I look into some day-to-night nuke tutorials that focus on converting daylight footage into night view and then do a quick test on my testing footage.

My Responsibility for Week 4
R&D on day-to-night methods
Test on footage I shoot from Jekyll Island
Project Film shooting at Tybee
Edit the video for the presentation
1. R&D on day-to-night Methods
1.1 Day-to-night workflow
Technically two day-to-night conversion methods are depending on how the footage looks like.
For scenes that have buildings and depth of field, usually use 3D Camera Projection with Model Builder, then relighting the scene in Nuke. Here is the tutorial on Youtube.
For scenes that have a wide horizontal view, usually manipulate it with Color correction nodes multiple times to get rid of the daylight shadows.
2. Test on footage
This is the video footage I shot at Jekyll Island

2.1 Block it out
Firstly I get rid of the sharp shadow by using grade node, then use roto paint to darken the highlighted areas.

2.2 Secondary Darken
Then use the grade node to secondary draken the scene and desaturated the blue of dark areas to make it look natural and realistic.

Desaturated before (left) & after (right)
2.3 Sky Replacement & Color Correction
Merge the foreground with the background foggy sky, then color correct both of them to make sure they stay in the same color tone.

2.4 Node Tree
Here is the node tree to show the color correction process

3. Project Filming at Tybee
On Sunday Oct 10, we went to Tybee and shot our footage. We got the images of Chrome Ball, Gray Ball, Color Board, and Four shots. However, the weather was changing on that day, we were not able to get all footage without sharp shadows, so that might be a challenge for the compositing stage.
Next Stage
For the next step, I will look into the shot, analyze it and figure out the methodology of compositing.