Based on the feedback from the previous week, we developed our storyboard (add one shot) and created CG assets for all shots.

Utilizes Option 1: Facial Tracking and CG Augmentation of an actor
4 shots:
Long Establishing Shot
Zooming close shot
Long shot (return to shot 1)
Story theme: Temptation of dark powers, and fear of the unknown
My Responsibility for Week 2
Develop the 4th shot idea
Build the beach scene for previsualization
Model CG flag pole and texture it
Recreate the storyboard
Google slide template
1. The 4th Shot
I feel add the 4th shot at the end would make our story to be a seamless loop, the actor awake from the fear but still be attracting by the obelisk, he turns around and retouches the obelisk again and again.
2. Beach Scene for Previsualization
The scene I created in Maya with the asset download from here
3. Model CG Flag
The asset I created in Maya with the AistandardSurface shader

4. New Storyboard (4 shots)
I add a 4th shot to the end will help our story content
Something new here

5. Google Slide
Check the presentation slide here