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Software: Python Turtle 

Hurricane is a project that writes code in Python Turtle and asks users to open the files of hurricanes and animate paths of hurricanes along their tracks ( figure1.0).

Understanding loops, file i/o, string manipulation, and a start to graphics, write a program to process real-world hurricane data and animate the path of hurricanes.

Data & Image:

image (7).png

figure 1.0 Tracks of hurricanes

Anchor 1

Technical Breakdown

Step 1: Define a window_setup function

Define hurricane_setup function to setup window & image ( figure 2.0)

  • Create the screen, turtle, and turtle shape

  • Set up the background image of the Atlantic ocean

  • Set the coordinates of the screen to match the latitude and longitude on the map

image (7).png

figure 2.0 window_setup function

Step 2: Deal with data

There are five hurricane CSV files named "irma2017", "jose2017", "michael2018", "florence2018", "dorian2019" respectively.

Each file column is separated by commas. The data needed is Lat, Lon, and Wind (mph), Category. ( figure 3.0)

  • Lat, Lon dictate positions

  • Category can be printed (no value if Tropical Storm)

  • The wind can be used for turtle speed.

image (7).png

figure 3.0 File data

figure 4.0 Deal with file data

Define a hurricane function to read data in for loop and deal with data (figure 4.0)

  • Declare category of a hurricane 

  • Declare wind_speed, get rid of "mph" by using [:-3], then turn them into values that fit turtle speed range from 0.5 - 10.

  • Turn string lat, long into floats, and declare the position.

Step 3: Category

Change the color and thickness of the line in proportion to the category

  • Red for categoryOrange for category 4 Yellow for category 3 Green for category 2 Blue for category 1 | White if no hurricane strength


figure 5.0 Category

Anchor 2
  • Use if statement to replace Tropical Hurricane category "-" with "0", and convert other categories 1- 5 into int values.

  • Use the if & Elif statement to change the color and thickness of tracks.

  • Use if statement to print category only when it changes

Now I get one colorful hurricane track as figure 6.0 shows.


figure 6.0 A hurricane track

Step 4: User input

Create a user_input function that allows users to input file names and hurricane paths drawn all in one window.

For this function, firstly users can choose the numbers of hurricanes they'd like to draw, they can type numbers ranging from 1 to 4, or they can simply type "all" to draw all hurricane tracks.

  • If users type "all", all five hurricanes will draw on the canvas one by one (loop the name list and call the hurricane function five times) 

  • if users type a number "num", they will be asked to type a filename of the hurricane from a list, and this action will execute until hurricanes equal the user's input number at the beginning (input name and call hurricane function "num" times). 

At the end of the programming, define the main function and call the user_input function inside it.

image (7).png

figure 7.0 user_input function

Step 5: Add labels

Add a label for each track of the hurricane to make a clearer visual ( figure 8.0)

  • The label is added at the end of the hurricane function, and print the name of the hurricane at the end of its tacking position.

image (7).png

figure 8.0 Add labels

Full Code

Here is the full code of the hurricane program

PDF Breakdown

Author: Yachan Yuan

Date: 24/4/2022

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