Soccer Paly
Software: Maya | Nuke | After Effects
Responsible for Cloth Simulation & Hair Simulation & Texture & Scene
Arnold render settings: Camera AA: 4 | Diffuse: 2 | Specular: 2 | Transmission: 2 | SSS: 2
Frames: 24 fps
Resolution: HD_1080
This shot focused step by step on character cloth modeling, cloth simulation, hair generation, and hair simulation in Maya, then composed all of the simulations into one single stadium scene.
Cloth Modeling
The basic shape of the cloth & pants was extracted from the T-pose character, then reshaped by using soften move tool and brush tool.
Left: Final soccer uniform with texture
Middle: Wireframe version
Right: Checkerboard version

Cloth Simulation
The uniform simulation was completed in Maya - FX - nCloth
Three versions of mesh were required:
Render mesh
Sim Cage Ref
Sim Cafe
Make sure simCageRef is blended into the SimCage.
Wrap RenderMesh to SimCageRef ( RenderMesh now follows SimCageRef )
Hair Generation